A Blog Carnival Virgin- And Why You Should Be My First!

OK my people… this is a first for me, and I hope you’ll join Joella of Blogs With Wings and I in this fun little foray deeper into the realm of blogging and networking.

I will be hosting her latest Blog Carnival edition here on BGB and we’re looking for posts from you on ways to successfully convert your blog from a simple, mayhap even personal operation… into a more advanced, business oriented model designed to earn you some moola!

The caveat is we’re looking for ways you can do it without totally turning off your existing readers for life and making them hate you, and possibly inspiring them to hunt you down and murder you in your sleep.

Easy peasy right?  No pressure.

Now you’ve got a generous allotment of time with which to create this masterpiece, all the way up until September 4th(That’s 2010 btw, NOT 2011 folks!)

And luckily it’s super easy.  All you do is write a relevant post on YOUR blog, then submit it to the carnival.  If it’s approved as fitting by yours truly, a link to your post will appear here on BGB on September 6th, along with links to other kick-ass ways to monetize a blog by your fellow carnival-ees.

See?  Told you it was uber simple.

So What’s the Benefit to Participating?

Well, besides the fun factor…

  • You get to be involved and introduced to other fellow bloggers such as yourself.
  • You get inspired by some great ideas that do not originate from your own brain.
  • You get an organic backlink on BGB, which is good for SEO.  BGB is a page rank of 3, with a pretty good amount of traffic, and a growing readership.
  • That means more traffic for you, maybe a new friend or two, and exposure you wouldn’t have otherwise had!
  • Plus every post gets promoted by both myself and Miz Joella across our social networks… somewhere in the neighborhood of 60,000 strong.

Pretty sweet right?  Not bad for nothing more than writing a post on your own blog, which you’d be doing anyway… and bonus!  No wracking your brain for what to talk about! 😉

So remember…

Deadline September 4th, 2010.

Your post must fit the topic or it’s a no-go.  And you MUST have fun.  OK, that’s just my arbitrary rule, but hey… I’m hostess, I can do that!

Submit your blog article to this edition of the Blogs With Wings Blog Carnival! Use our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

Questions, comments… drop them below, I’ll do my best to clarify!


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